International Women's day 2019

International Women's day is an opportunity to celebrate women around the world. It is also an opportunity to re-evaluate equality for women at home, in the workplace, and in society. This years theme was #Balanceforbetter. The goal is to work towards a gender-balanced world. Having more balance in businesses, in boardrooms, and in government allows for different perspectives which can help generate better solutions in the economy. Companies such as Budweiser, Pepsico, Barbie, PayPal and Lyft among others have created productive campaigns to display their support for gender equality. Budweiser displayed their progression when comparing two advertisements from their company side by side. One from 1958 showed the woman pouring a beer for a man who was working on a project. The second photo from 2019, shows the man and women sitting side by side enjoying a beer together after completing the project together. This was a great advertisement that showed the progression of Budweiser. Please take time on this International Women's day to celebrate the women in your life and around the world.


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