Bell Let's Talk & Mental Health Awareness

Bell is donating 5¢ for every retweet on Twitter to mental health initiatives. If you have Twitter, please click the link below to retweet:

Mental health has become more of a prominent topic in the workplace. Some corporations such as Starbucks have taken action to support employees with therapy. The Coffeehouse chain has increased therapy coverage from $400 to $5000 for employees.

Not only is it great for Starbucks to support employees but there is also a great business case for this coverage. Starbucks will see savings on the bottom line because they will have less employee turnover, more retention, and less short term disability claims.

This is just one example of company's who are doing a good job at being proactive around the topic of mental health. Today is a great day to find out more about this topic and join the conversation with #BellLetsTalk. 


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